Sunday, January 22, 2012

What tree has pea-shaped lavender flowers & fruitlike things that puff up & become very light in weight? Here is 1 pic %26amp; another This is not wisteria, this was cut from a tree, but I don't know what it's called; also the blooms are lightly %26amp; sweetly scented, it's very beautiful %26amp; I would like to know what it is. Thanks in advance.

What tree has pea-shaped lavender flowers %26amp; fruitlike things that puff up %26amp; become very light in weight?
I believe it is a Purple Robe Locust. It is a cultivar of Black Locust (which ironically has a white flower). However the nuts are throwing me as well.
Reply:That appears to be a locust tree to me, but the round fruit as opposed to bean pods is throwing me.
Reply:I believe that this is a Chinese wisteria tree. It is actually a wisteria vine grafted onto a tree trunk.

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