Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mexican power line workers, UHG!! What would you have done?

Today, a large pickup truck pulls up in my backyard and five Mexicans jump out of the truck with machetes and tank sprayers. I go outside and ask, “What’s up”. They just look at me, and one of them says something in Spanish.

Well there’s a Wisteria vine on my power pole, which I had planted a few years ago and an Elm tree nearby. This guy starts to whack on the vine with a machete, and another heads for my Elm tree and I yell at them. Then a sixth guy comes out of the drivers seat, says something and the whacking stops.

The driver walks over to me and he could barely speak any English. But he said he was working for the power company and he’s supposed to cut everything you know?

I said “ No, I don’t know, where’s your papers?” He says he doesn’t know. So’ I told him to get the hell off my property.

Later on, different truck pulls up and at least this Mexican can speak some decent English. He say’s, their supposed to trim the trees and brush along the power line. There are no markings on any of these vehicles and he doesn’t have any work orders either.

So, I tell him to shove off, he says I got to let him do it. I tell him call the cops, as he doesn’t have any work orders. Well, he left and it’s been 4 hours, no cops and no paper work.

Would you have done the same thing?

Mexican power line workers, UHG!! What would you have done?
definately, while they probably are doing contract work for the power company - they need to be supervised by someone from the power company.

Also, to work in this country you should be able to speak english. I sure wouldn't move to Berlin and expect to get a job without speaking any German?!?!?!
Reply:I hope so! I'm glad that you were home and had the courage to confront those people! Good for you!!!
Reply:I think you did the right thing who knows why they were really there. Seeing if you were home or your neighbors . All the utility workers and their subcontractors where I live (NY State ) are all required to wear some form of company id and the broken if existent English was a good clue they weren't who they say they were. Next time use the hose.
Reply:I would come up with, at least, a real story to tell, not this one.
Reply:^Most definitely YES, they should have a work order from the power company and identification. I would call the power company and find out what's going on.

If they are from the power company, I would still call your local government, to make sure what they are doing is legal.
Reply:Yes I would have done the same thing and I would call the power company and the immigration dept and ask them to check into the power company
Reply:I would have done the same and called the power company to complain that they have works on my property want to cut my trees down and have no work permit to do so, they cant speak english and would want to see if they can legaly work in this country. Chances are with no markings on the truck and no work orders they can likly be here on a working permit or be illegal.
Reply:Yes, I would.
Reply:No. You don't own the pole or the power line; leave people alone, and stop being such a racist.

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