Thursday, January 26, 2012

Desperate Housewives?

Okay, please give me any info you got. The hurricane just hit wisteria lane and Lynette cannot find her husband or kids. The next episode is the last until the whole "Writers Strike" is over. I must know what happens. Please.

Desperate Housewives?
Wisteria Lane has gone dark: Production on Desperate Housewives has come to a strike-induced halt at 10 episodes (which only makes sense - creator/showrunner Marc Cherry is on the WGA's negotiating committee, after all). A two-episode tornado will hit the suburban enclave and end in a cliffhanger with plenty of Wisterian drama,

- Julie survives the twister. Here are the final two hints you're getting about the doomed duo: Both are recurring, and one has man parts and the other doesn't. One of the people dying has requested his/her ashes be scattered at a baseball field.

- I'm hearing that someone on Wisteria Lane is headed for a longish stint in rehab.

- After the tornado hits Wisteria Lane, Mike finds himself once again in a hospital bed but this time, his injuries are quite serious (not deadly). Edie will be in need of a new house. Later, she and Gaby work together to spread another woman's ashes. Tom and Lynette come face to face with Annabel Foster but, as expected, there is a twist to this. Bree tries to hook a contractor up with Andrew in the hope the contractor will do emergency repairs on her house. Source:

10/29 - Looks like Bree is warming to the idea of having a gay son. I hear she's going to fix Andrew up with the local contractor.
Reply:Here's my reasoning:

In the beginning Mary Alice said one would lose a husband (presumably Victor) and ALL would lose a friend. That may mean Carlos, but I don't think it could mean the whole Scavo family. We don't know for sure where Susan and Mike were during the tornado, but all the other main female characters and Mrs. McClusky are okay. We don't know about Ida, but I don't think she was exactly a friend to all of them. Sylvia died, but she was not a friend to anybody on Wisteria Lane. So I fear Carlos is a goner.

I really don't think the writers would wipe out Tom and all the kids; the show has its dark side, but not that dark! And if Tom died, it would be two, not one, who lost husbands. Victor is definitely dead this time.

Unfortunately we won't have another new episode until the writers' strike ends. It's going to be hard waiting. And it's annoying that they already filmed the next episode before the strike started, but they are not going to air it until the season restarts, as they want us to be in suspense and not just skip the rest of the season, if there is a rest of the season. Let's hope the strike ends quickly!
Reply:according to episode spoilers victor and ida greenberg r the ones who die...go to for more info...
Reply:go to the spoiler website:

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