Friday, January 27, 2012

Will the tank be overstocked?

Right now I have 2 cory cats, 1 female betta, and 1 kuhlii loach, and 2 mystery snails in a 20 gallon. I was going to get 1 dwarf gourmis, 2 more loaches, 2 cherry barbs, and some ghost shrimp. The filter I have is made for 50 gal (it causes a current, but the fish don't seem to mind) and I have 2 java ferns and 2 wisteria plants. Is that enough filtration to support it or would there still be too much fish?

Will the tank be overstocked?
Your stocking levels are not too high, and you have room to work with. I highly recomend getting more of what you ahve instead of more species.

Betta and Gourami: Be very careful and keep an eye on things. Both are territorial, and they will often fight. Your betta being female helps, but is no guarantee - they can be aggressive too. Better to choose one or the other.

Cory cats: Get yourself more of them! They do best, look best, and are most active in groups. I would aim at a group of 4 to 6 of thse guys.

Cherry barbs: Very active fish, and also a great scholing ifhs. Increase this group to 4-6 as well and you'll get that much more out of them.

Ghost shrimp: These guys are so light on the bioload you can safely go ahead and add several without issues.

With these increases your tank will be nicely stocked and not overstocked, and is probably where you want to be as far as limits are concerned.
Reply:As long as you do regualar maitenence on you tank it will be fine. At the fish store i worked at, which is one of the biggest retail and wholesale suppliers in the NY, PA area, all thier community tanks are 10 gallon setups with WAY too many fish. Keep in mind they do water changes every day and treat any infected tanks as needed. These fish are also sold quite quickly. They also have a guarantee on their fish for 7 days, provided that you bring back the dead fish and a water sample.
Reply:that will be fine there shouldnt be any aggresive behavior or territorial behavior great idea with the filter i use 2 20 gal filters with my 20 gal tank
Reply:You are fine with that stocking scheme but be careful with keeping the betta and the gourmis you may get some aggression there. Also barbs tend to do best in schools of 6 or more so I would recommend upping your cherry barbs from 2 to 6.

Edit:: your stocking level will still be fine with the extra cherry barbs. With the Betta and Gourmis the aggression could go either way. They will probably be fine it is just something to watch out for the first few days after you introduce the Gourmis.
Reply:The problem I see isn't in overstocking. Introducing a gouramis into a tank with a female betta could give you some issues. I would recommend getting 2 more female bettas if you have your heart set on adding the dwarf gourami. I would get a male gourami and make sure I had LOTS of hiding places. I'd also introduce the gourami away from the betta. Have a tank divider handy for when you need to separate the fish due to any aggression issues.

Reply:You should be just fine with those, just watch out for aggressive behavior and do water changes every week religiously.

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