Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why didn't my dogwood bloom this year?

My dogwood tree has bloomed beutifully for ten years but this year only got two blooms. The leaves look fine, my wisteria and lilacs bloomed normally, what's up?

Why didn't my dogwood bloom this year?
Did you trim it ? The buds for next year form mid to late summer . Was it especially dry for any exteded period since last July ? That could do it . Unsually windy %26amp; cold (at same time) weather in winter could kill the flower buds . In other words, any unusually stressful period , since buds were forming , could kill the flowers . (Sorry for the vagueness, but I usually am looking at the tree while answering . ;D) As long as the tree is otherwise healthy, I wouldn't worry.
Reply:Not sure how your weather was around the typical bloom time, but here in Chicago, my Magnolia lost all it's blooms due to a late freeze...very sad, I'd been looking forward to that all year!
Reply:I would suspect that the late freeze experienced by most of the US had a hand in this. My magnolia was blooming when the freeze occurrec. It lost its flowers and is just now starting to leaf out. Fruit trees either lost their blooms or did not bloom. Most likely if it has leaves on it, it will bloom next year.
Reply:Flowering trees need to be pruned every winter when they are dormant. Perhaps you pruned to late and cut your buds off? Also, flowering trees must be fed on a regular basis in early spring with a good garden food and once a month until Sept. The only other thing i can think is a possible underground disease. Hope this helps.
Reply:I live in SC and we had a late freeze that affected everything. I have several dogwoods, and all the spring growth died back (including the blooms). All have recovered with new growth, but most of my dogwoods had very few blooms. If you suffered a late season frost in your area, I'd bet that was the cause.

good luck
Reply:i live in Kentucky and that late freeze we had killed everything! blooms, new growth, and some of my shrubs i planted last year. it was awful!

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