Thursday, January 26, 2012

White acacia tree...?

This was a very nice dream... so... i was at home, in bed, but my room had no roof. Instead, i could see the sky, through the branches of a huge blooming white acacia tree. It was very early in the morning, the sky was baby blue, with no clouds, and it was very quiet. It looked like the tree was hugging the house, sort of like it was really a tree house. And the tree was full of flowers, and they were all white, and they smelled so sweet. And there were bees looking for polen, and other bugs playing on the leaves. It was just so beautiful. What does it mean?

By white acacia tree i mean a huge tree who's flowers look like wisteria flowers, just as big, only white.

White acacia tree...?
Acacia trees are symbolic of immortality and resurrection, and their flowers are symbolic of love and the bigger they are, the more of those things they symbolize (big blossoms= lots of love!). The fact that the tree seemed to be hugging your house means that love and longevity are bountiful in your home. The bugs represent different, smaller aspects of life, that you described them as playing means that your home life either is or is soon going to be very happy.

This dreams is simply meant to put your mind at ease, to let you know that all these good things are already a part of your life and that everything is all right. Hope this helps!
Reply:Wow... that's a really positive dream. It's a very life encompassing dream that I could barely scratch the surface on, but it would seem you've found your heart's desire. It seems you know yourself very well, know what you want, and know how to get it. And in most, if not all, cases you already have what you were looking for.

GOD I hope I have a dream like his someday! ;)
Reply:You will fall in love and it will be real love ; and you will have a successful marriage and financial security
Reply:clean your yard

garden clogs

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