Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What do you think of the new gay couple on Desperate Housewives?

A new gay couple moved onto Wisteria Lane on "Desperate Housewives." Do you think a non-stereotypical gay couple on prime-time TV is a good thing for LGBT rights? Or will it make no difference?

What do you think of the new gay couple on Desperate Housewives?
I haven't watched Desperate Housewives, but I went into your clip. Good for them. Showing a gay couple is showing what normally happens in real life. Anything that will give gay people more of what is needed in this world understanding and acceptance, is O.K. with me. I hope though, that the writers don't "muck it up". They could do a lot of good if they treat the subject with respect and dignity.

A Grandmother
Reply:oh nice sweety......pink it up i say
Reply:i don't watch the series at all but it sounds like a good thing to me
Reply:Well, I don't base my life around a televesion show so I couldn't care less.

I"m not defined by my sexuality..I define my sexuality.
Reply:i don't watch desperate housewives .
Reply:visibility is good... I just think they're making them out to be kinda mean and bitchy... and political... I think if they don't make them "human" in the next few episodes... the story line will die out... so far they just seem like the "empty homos who live next door"... I need to see a personality develop... love the show though... and I'm glad they're trying....
Reply:I think its great! Gays are too often stereotyped and that is bad.
Reply:The fact that they have a gay couple on the show is good, but they do fit the stereotypical gay couple in my opinion. They come off as kinda whiny and uptight and materialistic...I don't know, I don't really like it. It seems like they don't portray them in a good light...anyway I think they need to diversify the types of gay characters that they put on television and that will help...but it helps just to even have gay characters on TV cuz for a while they didn't.
Reply:Good characters.. funny.. great interaction with others....

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