Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Need pointers on how to care for a Rabbit's Foot Fern.?

At the moment I have many plants that are doing very well ranging from the common Peace Lilly to a Bonsai Wisteria. I have always had some what of a green thumb, but my luck runs out with ferns.

A friend gave me a piece of her Rabbits foot fern I need some pointers i really dont want to kill it. Right now I have it in front of a bright window that does not get direct sunlight. It is the only plant iside right now, I'm afraid to put it outside. I live in the south and the temps are already getting right at 100.

Please any help with this would be greatly appreciated. And keep in mind its not your common fern it is Rabbit Foot.

Need pointers on how to care for a Rabbit's Foot Fern.?
There are a few rules that you must follow with ferns of all types. First, they do not tolerate being dry. A pot-bound fern will dry out daily. I suggest re-potting with a peat-moss based soil when the ferns are tight in the pot. Watering a pot bound fern is best accomplished by soaking the entire pot in a larger vessel of water. Second, they have no tolerance for direct sunlight. Diffused sunlight is best, like under a lattice screen or shadecloth. You could also put the fern under the eave on the north side of the house. Third, use a mild nitrogen rich fertilizer ( like 15-5-5) about once every two weeks. If you do the above, the fern will rock!
Reply:I understand your dilemma.Most people assume ferns are very hard to grow,along with a few other types of plants.I have had a plethora of ferns,some very easy to grow others a bit more difficult.My first question I would ask you is,what was the size cutting that your friend gave you?Did it have a root system with it or bare root?Were their any rabbit feet (fury limbs)that came with it?If you were given a established descent size plant then you should be on your way to having a good plant with no problems.Inside,ferns need more humidity than most plants.Get a plastic hand container and fill with luke warm water.Do not soak the plant so much as water dripping off but a few squirts evenly distributed.I would try to do this daily.Of coarse feeding is important.Once a month with a medium feed like15-15-15.One more thing,When I lived in Louisiana I was able to get my hands on some Cyprus knees.I would take some chicken wire and staple to the knee.Making a enclosed pot with sphagnum moss on outer part then put in rabbits foot and fill in with peat moss,it looked GREAT.

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