Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do anybody know the common Indian Name of 'Chinese Wisteria" or "Wisteria sinensis" its an ornamental plant.

Wisteria sinensis is a "CLIMBER" and its commonly known as "Grape flower wine".


Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound, 7 to 13 ovate leaflets each 2 to 4 inches long, dark green above.

Flower: Very showy, purple or white (depending on cultivar) pea-like flowers, occurring in long hanging clusters, 8 to 12 inches long, appearing with the leaves, all the flowers of one raceme opening simultaneously.

Fruit: Finely fuzzy, pea-like pods, 3 to 6 inches long, persistent.

Twig: Slender, light brown, raised circular leaf scar, appressed triangular light brown buds, and false terminal bud.

Bark: Smooth, gray-brown, and fluted. Trunk can be quite large for a vine; older specimens can reach a foot in diameter.

Form: A climbing twining vine, reaching up to 40 feet in height often covering trees and shrubs, twines counter-clockwise.

Do anybody know the common Indian Name of 'Chinese Wisteria" or "Wisteria sinensis" its an ornamental plant.
Ho. i no dis. it is "chii ne wis ter ia " !!

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